“Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.”

Thursday 31 July 2014


ANYBODY can triple jump, however, to do it properly with the right form and technique requires guidance and help. It takes time and effort and it certainly does not happen over night. To start winning meets it takes months of hard work and effort.

Part 1 of 3: Basics

  1. Triple Jump Step 1.jpg

    Become familiar with the basics of the triple jump. The triple jump is a track & field event that requires leg strength, technique and speed. It requires the athlete to run down a strip leading into a sandpit.
  2. Triple Jump Step 2.jpg

    Familiarize yourself with the different jump lengths. Triple jump has different boards on which you choose to take your jump from. Most high school pits include 20ft (6 meters), 24ft (7.3 meters), 28ft (8.5 meters), 32ft (9.75meters), 36ft (10.97) and 49ft (14.93 meters). If you are a beginner, you will want to start on an easy board, such as the 24ft (7.3 meters).
  3. Triple Jump Step 3.jpgUnderstand the three phases of the triple jump. Jump in a rhythm. The first step is hop, the second is step, the third is jump:

    • The first phase requires the athlete to jump off one foot.
      Triple Jump Step 3Bullet1.jpg
    • The second is to land on the same foot and jump again.
      Triple Jump Step 3Bullet2.jpg
    • The third time you'll land on the other foot and jump into the sand pit.
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    • If your stronger foot is your left, then go right, right, left. If it's the right foot, then go left, left, right. Try starting with both legs though.
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Part 2 of 3: Form

The form of the jump is the most important aspect of the event. Without a good form, you may be losing over 2 feet in the length of your jump. The triple jump, obviously, has three phases: the hop, the skip, and the jump.
  1. Triple Jump Step 4.jpg
    The First Phase, or the hop, will set you up for the rest of the jump. When you jump off the board, throw the jumping knee in the air, thigh parallel with the ground. Your opposite foot should be pulled up behind you. When you land, hit the ground with your foot even, not heel first. This will help keep momentum going forward and keep up your speed.
  2. Triple Jump Step 5.jpg
    The Second Phase, or the skip, is the most crucial phase. Many new jumpers have a weak second phase, therefore lowering the overall length of their jump. The form of the second phase is much like the first. After coming off your first step, throw your jumping knee up and your opposite knee back. When you go to land, however, throw the opposite foot forward to progress into the next phase. Remember to land with your foot flat and spring right up into the next phase.
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    The Third Phase, or jump, is the final phase of the jump. After your second phase, simply throw your feet in front of you, much like the long jump. Remember to lean forward, or you may fall backward and lose distance on the final measurement.

Part 3 of 3: Training

  1. Triple Jump Step 7.jpg
    Develop your leg strength. Before you compete in a track meet, you must develop leg strength. The triple jump cannot be performed properly without leg strength. A good way of developing this is to do squats and Olympic lifts, such as the clean and jerk. Do not try do build your leg muscles by doing leg curls, as these are hard on your knees and they do not build proprioceptive strength.
  2. Triple Jump Step 8.jpg
    Try leg-hopping. A very effective way to develop leg strength is to get wooden boxes 1 foot (30.5 cm) in depth or something approximate. Your track coach should have these lying around. Hop on them with one foot on and one off, until you feel the burn and then alternate the feet. If you work hard and have the willpower to become a top athlete, you will soon see the results.
  3. Triple Jump Step 9.jpg
    Try to build up your hamstrings and your calf muscles.
  4. Triple Jump Step 10.jpg
    Speed is crucial in the jump. Practicing short sprints, 50 meters or less, will help you gain distance.

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