“Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.”

Thursday 31 July 2014


                                                          LUNG JUMP STEPS

Edited by Mimi, Pound831, Flickety, KommaH and 26 others
The long jump, at first glance, looks like a very simple sport. You simply run and jump into a sand pit; however, this sport is far more technical than most people would assume. This how-to illustrates the importance of good form and technique.


  1. Long Jump Step 1.jpg
    Inspect the long jump area. Note all the aspects that will affect your jumping, like:
    • The position of the jumping board. Ensure that you are able to cover the distance between the board and pit prior to your initial jump.
    • The width of the track, you will want to center yourself so that you won’t worry about stepping off.
    • The material composition of the track. If the track is rubberized, you can use spikes.

  2. Long Jump Step 2.jpg

    Find your dominant foot. Ask a friend to gently push you forward from behind. The foot that you step forward with is your dominant foot.
  3. Long Jump Step 3.jpg

    Count your steps. Start with your dominant foot placed on top of the center of the jumping board, since that is where you will want to jump from. Then run at the pace that you are expecting to run towards the jump. Measure off at 5, 6 or 7 steps, counting one step as every time your dominant foot hits the ground.
  4. Long Jump Step 4.jpg

    Mark the place where you land. Do this with a rock or piece of tape to the side of the track. Make sure that the mark you make will be easy to see, even when other people are using similar materials.
    • Check your mark. Do this by performing a run through (i.e. run as if you are going to jump but run through the pit instead.)
  5. Long Jump Step 5.jpg

    Get in position. Place your foot on the center of the track in line with your mark. You may have to ask people to move out of the way. Make sure that no one will cross the track while you are running.
  6. Long Jump Step 6.jpg

    Ask someone to check your position on the jumping board. If adjustment is necessary, you can move your mark further from or closer to the pit.
  7. Long Jump Step 7.jpg

    Run down the track. Take long, fast strides and keep your back straight, looking straight forward. When you come near the jumping board, do not look down, this will cause you to lose momentum.
  8. Long Jump Step 8.jpg

    Move your mark if adjustment is necessary.
  9. Long Jump Step 9.jpg

    Check your mark again. If you feel like you might still be off mark, perform another run through until you are comfortable with your marks.
  10. Long Jump Step 10.jpgJump. Align yourself with your mark and run, just like before. When you come to the board, jump vertically: your speed will carry you forward.

    • When you jump, you want to shoot your chest out, and look to the sky with your arms in back of your body. Land with your arms and legs in front of you, as close to fully-extended as possible.
  11. Long Jump Step 11.jpgThrow your body weight forward when you land. Use your remaining forward momentum to do this. You will be measured from the furthest back mark you make so you don’t want to fall backwards.
  12. Long Jump Step 12.jpgWalk out the front/side of the pit.

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